2. Install IBC APP on Androids

Latest version of IBC is ver3.4.1 (Update Log)

1. Please click the download link:
(1) Scan the QR code to access Google Play Store or download APK and complete installation.
(2) Search “IBC” in Google Play Store and complete installation.
https://goo.gl/odT8Mo or https://ibc.ebais.net/help.php?act=ibc

2. Follow the instructions to install.

3. Click the icon and start using IBC.

1. Install IBC on Windows

Latest version of IBC is ver3.4.1 (Update Log)
※Note:Before you install IBC3.4.1, please uninstall the previous version properly.
(If you cannot uninstall it properly, pleas check:How to uninstall IBC)

1. Please click the download link:
https://goo.gl/odT8Mo 或 (https://ibc.ebais.net/help.php?act=ibc)
Download and execute IBC-3.4.1.exe . (you can also copy the link and open it in your browser.)
2. Download and execute IBC-3.4.1.exe

3. Select your preferred language.

4. Click Next Step to install.

5. Click Install

6. Complete install, click Close.

7. Click the IBC icon on your desktop, log in and start using IBC.

3. 取得IBC教學系統授權密碼

1. 進入IMA管理系統>>IBC授權。

2. 針對要開通的項目內容,按查看>>畫面會出現密碼。

3. 此時請配合至IBC軟體進行開卡作業,並輸入上述畫面的其中一組密碼>>完成開通作業即可。 請注意,所有密碼皆為一次性密碼,開通後畫面將該組密碼加註刪除線,無法重複開通使用。

[如何進行開卡作業,請參考: IBC電子白板 / IBC開卡流程 / IBC開卡流程]

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