IBC-en / IBC-FAQ / Error:Microsoft.NET Framework

Error:Microsoft.NET Framework

From IBC3.3.1, the software is supported by FrameWork4.0
If your devices are operating under Windows 7, and the following message shows up when updating or opening IBC, please download and install FrameWork4.0 and re-open IBC.

Download Link:Download FrameWork4.0

這張圖片的 alt 屬性值為空,它的檔案名稱為 framework4-1024x737.png

If your devices are operating under Windows 10, please download and install FrameWork4.0 and re-open IBC.這張圖片的 alt 屬性值為空,它的檔案名稱為 framework3.5-1-1024x555-1024x555.png

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